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Residents' Association Committee

This is one of two committees representing Residents of the Golden Grove Village. All residents of the village are eligible for election to the Association committee.
This committee is more commonly known as the Residents' Association Committee. Over the initial developement phase of the village and up to 2020 was the main organising and fund raising body within the village. The committee is still active within the constitution of the Association.
The Golden Grove Village Residents' Association is Incorporated pursuant to Section 25, Division 4 of the Associations Incorporation Act 1985 as amended. It is the only Incorporated committee within the village. The present main function of the Association is to support Resident organised events.
The Constitution passed on 6 September 2021 sets out in "Aims and Objectives":--

3.1 To support community amenities, social and recreational activities which are promoted on the notice boards or included in the monthly planner as open to attendance by all residents."

Election of Committee

The Association Committee is directly elected by the residents of the Golden Grove Village at an election held once a year, inconjunction with the election of the Residents Committee, to fill committee vacancies, report to members and pass any other business.
There is no bar on residents being elected to both committee at the same time. This has occurred in other villlages and meant communications between committees was effective.
The committee executive is made up of President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. In addition to the executive members, Section 8.2 of the Constitition of the Association allows for up to four ordinary members.
One elected member of the Golden Grove Village Residents' Committee (the other committee within the village) acts as liason person between the committees.

Proxy voting

The first extract of the Association Constitution Section 11.10 provides members with the ability to lodge a Proxy vote on the approved form provided by the Assocation :,--

"11.10 A Member shall be entitled to appoint another Member of the Association to be his or her proxy and to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting. Each proxy shall be appointed in writing on a form approved by the Committee and lodged with the Secretary before the advertised starting time of the meeting."

In this extract of Section 11.11 or the Association Constitution a member may provide another member autority to vote on their behalf on nominations for positions and motions published before a meeting:-

"11.11 A Member who will be absent from the Annual General Meeting shall be entitled to a proxy vote with respect to written nominations for Committee positions published before the meeting and with respect to specific motions published before the meeting. Each proxy vote shall be submitted in writing on a form approved by the Committee and lodged with the Secretary before the advertised starting time of the meeting "

Auditing of Books

The constitution (rules) of an association must include in the case of a "prescribed association" provision for the appointment of an auditor. The following extract of the Associations Act 1985 sets out that requirement:-

" 23A Contents of rules of an incorporated association
Part 3 - Incorporation of associations
Division 3 - Rules
20 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(c) (iii) the appointment of an auditor in the case of an association that is a prescribed association;"

The definition of "prescribed association" in the Interpretation section of the Incorporation of Associations Act 2018 sets out:--

"3 - Interpretation
(1) In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears prescribed association means an incorporated association
(a) that had gross receipts in that association's previous financial year in excess of -
(i) $200 000; or
(ii) such greater amount as is prescribed by regulation; or
(b) that is prescribed or of a class prescribed by regulation; "

The Associations Incorporation Regulations 2008, subsequent to the 1985 Act updated the prescribed amount. The present test to be classed as a prescribed association has been raised to a turnover in excess of $500.000:-

"4 - Definition of prescribed association
For the purposes of paragraph (a)(ii) of the definition of prescribed association in section 3(1) of the Act, the amount prescribed is $500 000."

Association constitution

The Residents' Association has a Constitution that has been amended from time to time since its inception prior to 2013. The Associations Incorporation Act 1985 requires all Associations to have a constitution and to register it with the Consumer and Business Services branch of the Attorney General within 28 days of any changes being made.
The most recent amended version of the Constitution was on the 6th September 2021. this is a copy of that Constitution 6.9.2021 it is accompanied with a document, Index to Constitution & Meanings of Words to assist in finding your way around the Constitution.
Here is the previous version of the Constitution dated 15.2.2021 for comparison.

Associations Incorporation Act 1985.

Here is the Associations Incorporation Act 1985 for your information.