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Village Committee
The Golden Grove Village Residents' Committee, better known as the Committee is directly elected by the residents of the village.
A description of the function of a residents committee within the "Retirement Villages Act 2016" as amended, is :-
"The function of a residents' committee is to consult with the operator of the retirement village, or a representative of the operator, in relation to matters of interest to residents and to represent the interests of the residents."
The "Retirement Villages Regulations 2017" Part 2 Section (4) states :-
"A residents' committee must-
   (a) cause accurate minutes to be kept of proceedings at a residents' committee meeting: and
   (b) within 10 business days after each residents' committee meeting-
       (i) make the minutes available for inspection by residents in a manner that is easily accessible to residents; and
       (ii) provide a copy of the minutes to the operator of the retirement village: and
   (c) ensure that the minutes do not disclose personal information regarding residents."
With this in mind the committee publish minutes on the notice board in the Community Centre. We provide here for your convenience the latest commitee minutes together with minutes for the last 12 months. Arrangements to view previous minutes may be made by contacting the Secretary.
The committee members are elected once a year for a period of 12 months.
The present committee is :-
There are a number of sub-committees of the Golden Grove Residents' Committee. These have been to examine and monitor the financial budgeting of the village, and to created a social fabric within the village for the enjoyment of residents. The committees (or as they are known as Groups) are elected each year by residents and supported by interested members in the pursuit of their goals. Each sub-committee reports on its activities to meetings of the Golden Grove Residents' Committee. All residents are encouraged to participate by either being on the committees or volunteering to help.
Finance sub-committee
This sub-committee has the responsibility of checking the financial budget for the village. The sub-committee is provide with the budget expenditure figures for the last three months by the "operator". The committee, then, on behalf of the residents is able to query any under and over spending that may indicate an issue to be resolved. The sub-committee is able to interact with the "operator" at the annual budget development stage. The sub-committee reports back to residents at any Special Meeting organised to relay the results of budget decisions. At the Annual General Meeting budget matters may be enquired upon relating to inclusions and exclusions and matters that may affect the residents through their maintenance payments.
Social and Catering Group.
The Social and Catering Group is made up of interested village residents who volunteer their time, creating a number of social activities, including, cabarets, dinners, quizes, barbecues, and other entertainment for residents in the Main Hall, the Dining Room and adjacent Barbecue area of the Community Center. The group prepares a Social Calendar with dates set for those events. All village residents are encouraged to assist with social events through being a part of the group. The group of members is formed and reformed each year after the Annual General Meetings of the Residents' Committee and the Residents' Association.
The present group has these positions on the committee :-
Social Group
The Social Group is lead by the following members. The social group is here for your contact and if you are in a position to volunteer to assist in any way please contact the Secretary of the Residents' Committee.
Co-ordinator :-  Shirley P.    #839
Vice Co-ordinator :-  Shandy McF.   #875
Cashier :-  Bev M    #823
Minutes Secretary :-   Gloria S.    #751
Catering Group
The membership of the Catering Group is yet to be deterimined. If you are in a position to volunteer to assist in any way please contact the Secretary of the Residents' Committee. In the interim some residents have undertaken to organise some of the planed events on the calendar. There is a list on the notice board for persons to put their names to assist those organising the planed events. Please put your name on the list if you are able to assist on any one of the events.
Catering Manager,
Bar sub-committee.
This sub committee provides an organised sale of liquor at two locations within the retirement village.
The present Bar Committee is comprised of :-
Jim, In charge of Community Centre bar, #607.
Tommy In charge of Clubhouse and Sports Centre bar, #777.
Doreen, Treasurer, #641.
There is a bar in the Community Centre and a further bar in the Clubhouse that are opened to serve residents. Liquor supplies are assessed and purchased by the Manager of each Bar. A volunteer group is recruited and rosters prepared to run the bars in an orderly way. There is no Sale of Liquor Licence required as the bars are only open to service residents, not the public. Any persons designated as minors or deemed intoxicated will be refused sale of liquor. The Bar volunteers are trained in the responsible service of alcohol, cleaning procedures and the use of the cash register. The Bars are open as set out in the Monthly Planner maintained by the Village Co-ordinator. The present Bar Committee is here.
The Bars will not be opened for private resident functions or parties for the sale or service of liquor except in the event of the death of a resident when a WAKE may be held at the request of the family. For those events then the resident will need to negotiate with the Bar manager
If you have a request for beverage provision at any private function then please contact a member of the bar sub-committee. For further information for the service of liquor and meals consult the "operators" agreed Food and Beverage Guidelines rule applying in the village. The Bars operate by virtue of the 20.6.2019 - Liquor Licensing (General) Regulations 2012, an extract of is provided hereunder--
"Part 3-Licences
   7-Cases where licences is not required.
       (2)  For the purposes of section 39(h) of the Act, the sale of liquor is exempt from the application of the the Act in each of the following cases:
       (gb)  The sale of liquor at a retirement village (within the meaning of the Retirement Villages Act 2016) for consumption on the premises of the retirement village by a resident or a guest for a resident if the sale is made by and to a person who is of or above the age of 18 years."
Community Centre Bar
This bar is Managed by:- Jim, #607 In Charge.
He has a dedicated group of volunteers who staff the bar. The bar is normally open on Thursday evening at 6.30pm in the main hall and on Fridays for Happy Hour at 5.00pm. This bar is also open on occasions when the Social Committees hold organised events and for organised meal events in that venue. The Manager prepares a roster of volunteers for this Bar.
Clubhouse Bar
This bar is Managed by:-Tommy, #777 In Charge,
He prepares a roster of volunteers to provide a service to residents for the Clubhouse Bar. . The bar opens on Wednesdays from 7.00pm until 9pm and again at 7.00pm on Fridays.
Web sub-committee.
Manages the web site for the Residents' Committee. The Administrator can be contacted at Event information received will be added to the site. Any contentious material will be referred to the Residents' Committee for approval. Information to update displayed information will be up-dated as time permits.