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Group activities.
The Golden Grove Village residents have over the years organised many activities for the residents to join and enjoy. Activities take place in the Community Centre, main hall, the bar and kitchen, dining room, library, gymnasium, pool and spa, billiards and Snooker room. access to a Croquet lawn, together with several other meeting rooms. Separate and some distance away is our Clubhouse Sports building which provides a further bar, access to the bowling green the tennis court and bocce lawn, while down stairs is a bocce/ computer room. The wood work centre is located at the caravan park near gate one where the wood work group meet.
Monthly Planner
Need a quick check on the activities this month and did not pick up a copy of the Community Centre and Clubhouse Monthly Planners then get both Monthly Planners, one after the other here.
Corona Virus Restrictions
Because of the Corona Virus Pandemic, even in it's reduced incident in the community, group activities may from time to time be cancelled. It is advised that you check with the Community Channel for information on any restrictions that may be imposed by health authorities. The capacity of the various rooms may again be limited, sanitising of hands and tables and use of masks may be necessary.
Inclement Weather Conditions
Additionally in winter, particularly after night rain it is suggested bowlers check the information channel to see if there is water on the greens.
Building Maintenance
Maintenance of buildings as a result of damage may result in rooms and on ocasions buildings being closed to activities. Venues may change to avoid restrctions. Be aware of changes by accessing the TV information channel where our Villager Coordinator will put up any important information that will affect residents. Also the monthly newsletter is a handy source of information.
Art group
This diverse and talented group meets upstairs in the Clubhouse every Monday between 10.00am and 12.00pm. Be inspired to create something unique. These artists exhibit in our main hall for us. Some have held public exhibits. Bring your art gear and join in. Here is their
Art Flyer for details.
Community centre bar
The bar in the main hall opens for patrons on the following days and hours,
Thursdays at 6.30pm for Social Evening.
Fridays at 5.00pm for Happy Hour.
Clubhouse bar
The bar in the Clubhouse opens for patrons on the following days and times,
Wednesdays at 6.45pm for the different cards groups,
Fridays at 7.00pm for the darts and social evening gathering.
This activity is presently not running. If you are a bingo player and are happy to recommence the activity then all the equipment is still available. You could become the next caller, then contact the Committee Secretary who will put you in touch with the last caller who will be happy to train you.
This group plays mahjong in the Games Room in the Community Centre on Mondays between 1.30pm and 3.30pm.
This grup has temporarily stopped due to lack of players, but contact Elizbeth on 671 if you are interested in learning to play.
This game commenced in the village only in 2020 and has proved to be popular. with games held in the Games Room on Wednesdays between 1.00pm and 3.00pm. Check with Elizabeth on 671 if you have never played before. All are welcome. Game tiles are provided. Here is their
Quirkle Group Flyer for details.
Book club
These residents meet on the first Wednesday of each month, in the Games Room, between 3.00pm and 5.00pm to discuss the latest books read. If you like to settle down for a good read then may be this is where you can be directed to a good book. Here is their
Book Club Flyer for details.
Come and borrow a book. We have a well stocked library for you to borrow from. Everything from books, (novels, biographies, war and of course romance) to fuel you every need, CD's for you to play and listen to, as well. The Library is located in the village Community Centre. and has its overflow in the adjacent room. If you have books to donate to the library then then check the donation policy here for information. For general information on the operaton of the library read the volunteers sheet. The library is managed by volunteers who replace your returned books, receive new donations and will cull books that are not borrowed or of poor condition.
We ask that residents refrain from writing their initials, unit number, or placing other marks to identify that the book has been read by you on the first page of the book, where we record date taken into the library, borrowings, stocktakes etc. We understand you may wish to mark the book to indicate that you have read it, BUT PLEASE DO IT ON THE LAST PAGE OF THE BOOK.
When returning books, please place them in the box marked Returns located UNDER the desk; likewise any donations may be placed in the box marked Donations, also located UNDER the desk. The box on the TOP of the desk is where we place books no longer required by the Library that we encourage residents to take, read or give away.
Card games
This card game is played in the Clubhouse on Wednesday nights between 6.45pm and 9.00pm.
Canasta hand & foot
This is a card game from the Canasta family of card games. Played with multiple packs and players. It is played in the Clubhouse on Wednesday nights from 6.45pm to 9.00pm.
Popular card game where you complete progressively harder hands. It is played on Wednesday nights in the Clubhouse from 6.45pm to 9.00pm.
Progressive 500
The game is now played in the Cards room of the Community Centre on Monday nights at 7pm. Compete with multiple partners against multiple opponents to win the prizes. This group aims to finish by 9.00pm.
This game is presently in recess. Any interested players or non players who would like to restart or learn this challenging game are advised to contact Elizabeth on 671.
Progressive whist drive
Play with various partners against various opponents to see how good you are to win a prize. Join the fun in the Clubhouse on Friday afternoons for a 1pm start.
Christian all denominations
Christian fellowship.
Christian fellowship for all denominations is held once a month on the second Sunday of the month in the mornings at 10.00am in the Main Hall of the Community Centre. This group started on 13th March 2016 welcomes everyone.
Mens bible study
This group meets in the TV room in the Community Centre on Tuesdays between 10.00am and 12.30am.
Computer users group
This group meets in the Bocce Room, thats the room down stairs in the Clubhouse on Mondays between 2.00pm and 4.00pm. If you are having a difficulty with your computer come and see if the group can provide a solution. Two Computers are available for use.
Craft group
This group meets upstairs in the Clubhouse every Tuesday at 10.00am.
In this village Golf Croquet is played on the croquet lawn at the rear of the Community Centre with two scheduled days, Depending on numbers two lawns can be setup. Check with the organiser Kate on 712 for any changes to play that may be required, depending on the weather. The times are:
Sundays when two lawns are setup with the time of play starting from 1.00pm to 2.30pm.
Thursdays time of play starting at 10.00am.
Cue ball games
Held in the Snooker room on Fridays from 7.00pm.
Billiard practise
Held in the Snooker room on Tuesdays from 2.00pm to 4.00pm.
Golf snooker
Held in the Snooker room on Thursdays between 2.00pm and 5.00pm.
Held in the Snooker room on Tuesdays from 7pm and on Thursdays from 7.00pm.
Kelly pool
Held in the Snooker room on Mondays from 7.00pm until 9.00pm.
Game "21"
Held in the Snooker room on Mondays between 2.00pm and 4.30pm.
This is a popular pastime where you can enjoy yourself and get fit at the same time so come along and join the fun with the village dancers.
Line dancing
This is held in the Main Hall of the Community Centre on every Wednesday at 7.00pm.
Square dancing
Held in the main hall on Tuesdays between 1.00pm to 3.00pm.
Test your aim against other residents in a game of darts. Here are the days this group attend in the Clubhouse,
Darts Progressive on Mondays at 7.00pm, and
Darts Social on Fridays at 7pm.
The Darts group has not recommenced following renovations in the Clubhouse. The equipment including darts are available in the storeroom at the southern end of the Clubhouse. Interested residents are encouraged to recommence the activity with casual games, practice, or even competition.
Indoor bowls
Competition Indoor Bowls
The group meets in the main hall of the Community Centre on Mondays at 9.45am.
Social indoor bowls
This group meets in the main hall of the Community Centre on
Wednesdays at 2.00pm to 3.00pm and,
Thursdays at 7.00pm.
Here is their
Indoor Bowls Flyer for details.
Lawn bowls
Played all year round on our green when weather permits of course.
Night Owl's Bowls
In summer we have on Friday nights, team competitions followed by supper, running of the chocolate wheel, raffles, lucky house draw. The bar will be open for refreshments. Starts at 7.00pm so be there from 6.30pm on to get organised.
Lawn bowls pairs competition
Played on the Bowling Green in front of the Clubhouse on Tuesday mornings at 9.30am.
Lawn bowls practise
Practise for lawn bowls is on the Bowling Green on Tuesday afternoons between 1.30pm and 5.00pm.
Lawn Bowls social competition
Played on the Bowling Green on Thursday mornings at 9.30am.
Lawn bowls social fun
Come and have some fun on the green. Played on Sundays between 10.00am and 12.00pm. New (or aspiring ) players are very welcome. A number of sets of bowls are available to those who don't have bowls - so come and have a go.
Machine sewing and embroidery
This group sets up to create intricate embroidery on the SECOND and FOURTH Thursday of each month.They meet in the Dining Room of the Community Centre where the machines are buzzing from 9.00am to 3.30pm. Bring along something to eat while you discuss your next project at lunch. For more information contact Cynthia on 760.
Catch up & Chat or Socialise
Happy Hour
The village Bar will be open for you to come and catch up with other residents for conversation. Bring your snacks and nibbles on Fridays in the Main Hall of the Community Centre from 5.00 to 7.00pm.
Fish & Chips
This meal is organised by Tommy #177 on the last Friday of the month. The meal one piece of Fish with Chips and Sauce or Chicken with Chips and Sauce with sweets following. The Bar is organised to be open on the night for refreshments. The list goes up earlier in the month for tables of 10. You will need to mark for Fish or Chicken. Check the Notice Board for the list and payment dates. The meal is in the Main Hall of the Community Centre. The bar will be open.
Sausage sizzle
This activity is promoted only on the first Thursday of the month from 6.00pm to 7.00pm, often in conjuction with payments for up-comming events. Some residents have undertaken to run the barbecue. They purchase sausages, onions, bread and sauces to tantalize your taste buds while you enjoy a beverage from the bar.
Sailing Solo
The activities of this group focus on the single residents in the village with an every other month luncheon to catch-up. All single in the villlage are welcome to attend. The lunches are held in the Dining room in the Community Centre. This group is presently in RECESS waiting for any resident to take up the challenge or to organise lunches at venues off site.
Social evenings
The social evenings are for residents to come and chat, bring a snack or nibbles, In the warmer months the lawn bowls will be played on the Clubhouse lawns, some residents will will play a game of cards or some darts.They are held on the following days and times,
Thursdays at 6.30pm in the Community Centre main hall.
Fridays at 7.00pm in the Clubhouse sports and activities Centre.
Village connect
The catering group organise a get together on the first Thursday of each month between 10am and 11.30am in the Community Centre Dining Room where a devonshire tea is put on. This is not something to miss as catching up with other residents and the latest gossip is sure to bring you up to date. Cost is only $2 for a bottomless cup of tea or coffee. All residents and visitors are welcome to come and join in. If you are able to help set up and / or pack up of tables please contact the organiser. Also check the newsletter to see if there has been a change in the schedule.
See the
Village Connect Flyer for details.
Wednesdays Cards & Chat
On these nights the card players come out to play from 6.45pm and have a tipple. The Clubhouse bar will be open from 7.00pm till 9.00pm so you can come and watch or just catch up on the last week. The games currently played are:-
♦   Canasta Hand and Foot,
♦   Frustration,
♦   Cribbage,
If your specialty is some other card game then come down and create a group and show us how to play. So come down on Wednesday evenings at the Clubhouse.
Table tennis
The group plays twice a week to get you fit at the Community Centre. Join in on,
Mondays between 2.00pm and 4.00pm in the main hall and again on.
Thursdays betweem 7.00pm to 9.00pm in the Dining Room.
Wood work group
The Wood Work centre is located in a building in the first caravan storage area, near gate one. It is open on Tuesdays from 9.00am to 12.00am. Bring your project or help in creating items for the village or for sale at the next christmas market. If you are new to carpentry or cabinet making, then instruction on the safe use of the extensive range of tools is available. Contact Graham on 615 or John on 626 for further information on the activities of the group.