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Committee forms

Here you will find approved forms of the Golden Grove Residents' Committee for use by residents. The forms are filed under the associated activity, eg Financial, Electoral, and Requests / Notification etc.


Request for purchase or for funds, a fill in on-line form to print, or save to your documents and email to secretary.
Request for purchase or for funds, a print and fill in form.
Kitchen/ Tea & Coffee/ Other Expenses & Income, a Sales and Expenses form for control of consumerable supplies for kitchen and other materials.
Cash advance record, records cash advance to sub-committee from Treasurer. Includes copy of receipt for Treasurer and Sub-committees. Is a print and fill in form.


Request for action by committee, a fill in on-line form to print, or save to your documents and email to secretary.

Trailer management

The management of the trailer has passed to the "operator" who register and maintain its use through volunteers in the village.
These two documents, "Trailer Rules of Booking", setting out the conditions of use, and, "Booking Out Form", will need to be used.

Operator's information & forms

Here you will find some of the more common directives, those related to the use of facilities.
Characteristics could include, eg. Food preparation, Cleaning of billiard table, use of pool etc. could be, Food handling, Training for Food handling, Stacking chairs away from walls, Use of wall space in the Community Centre Hall or Dining room, Evacuation of Village in case of emergency, etc.
Included also are forms used by the "operator" in the management of the village. If you cannot find the particular form you require please check the Library or ask for a copy from our Village Co-ordinator (internal phone 600)

The Village Coordinator wasappointedby the Operator to start on 8 October 2024 to work Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm.

Carpet / vinyl replacement

Floor coverings over 10 years old?, then check the "Public Information Document" that you signed when you entered the village.
Residents who have been living within the village for a long time may have included in their contract, for carpent and Vinyl replacement.
If that is the case then, select the carpet and vinyl from the selection available and put in, Carpet / Vinyl Replacement Form.
Where you have arranged for replacement you will also need to arrange at your own expense to have any furniture moved.
Be aware that the latest advice on 1st March 2021 from "the operator" is "Kitchen vinyl is replaced along with carpet at 10 years, underfelt is only replaced if required."

Absent from village or visitor staying

Going to be away for more than 7 days or having a visitor staying for 7 days or more then print absent / visitor form, fill in and drop off to Village Coordinator.
If you are away during an emergency evacuation then they will not be looking for you to evacuate and don't forget to indicate if your caravan is in of out.
If you have a visitor staying over then print and fill in visitor request form for the office too.

Accident / incident / injury

If you have had an accident within the village then you will need to fill in a accident / incident / injury form and include the name and contact number of any witnesses.

Directives on use of equipment

Directive on maintenance & cleaning procedures for timber floors. within the Community Centre and Clubhouse.
Directive on the approval and purchase of assets and inclusion on the "operator's" asset register.
Directive on the correct operation of airconditioners regarding use of zone motors in Units.

Directive on clean up after events. Resident Activities and Private Functions in the Community Centre and Clubrooms it is important that each resident/group is responsible to clean up the areas they are using. Mops/buckets and cleaning equipment are all on hand. Please remember many hands make light work and each resident using the facilities is responsible for the clean-up.

Directive on Zip Boiler Unit in the kitchen Please do not turn off the instant hot water unit located under the sink in the kitchen at the Community Centre. The unit provides instant hot water which means that a kettle does not have to be boiled and the unit is designed to be left on at all times.

Setting up of hall process - avoiding injury

When setting up, taking down, and safe storage of equipment, your safety is of paramount importance. Injury can occur to you in miss-handling equipment and may result in you needing medical attention or even ending up in hospital. It will also require you to put in an "Accident /Incident /Injury form" obtainable at the office. A miss-hap in handling may also damage equipment.

Tables - Safe handling

    Tables are stored in the storeroom adjacent to the main hall.
    Should always be moved on the trolleys provided.
    Use of two persons to move full trolleys to and from the storeroom.
    Avoid damage to doors and door frames.
    When loading and unloading have one person on each end of tables.
    Avoid dropping tables on corners as damage will occur.
    Carefull movement of trollys will reduce any injuries.

Chairs - Safe handling and stacking

    Do not move more than 2 chairs at a time.
    Extra weight may cause you instability and injury.
    Stacks of chairs not to exceed 5 high or even better 4 high.
    Stack chairs away from the walls to allow cleaning and not damage walls.
    Never stack chairs infront of any emergency smartlink unit or defibrilator.

Monthly planner

Each month our village co-ordinator prepares a monthly planner for both activities in the Community Centre and the Clubhouse. You can obtain a hard copy from the table in the Dining room at the beginning of each month.
Check here for a copy of the the Community Centre & Clubhouse Sports & Activities Monthly Planners if you have not picked one up already.

Village TV information channels

The village co-ordinator operates a series of channels to inform residents of important information and to provide vision of the three entry gates to the village. This is of some importance in allowing non residents access to the village. Our security is maintained by every resident ensuring only bonifide access via the gates into the village. In addition to the gates other areas can also be viewed via the channels. Details of the channels are :--

350 Gate 1, off Captain Robertson Avenue, Golden Grove.
351 Gate 2, off Settlers Hill Road, Golden Grove,
352 Gate 3, off Barrow Road, Golden Grove,
353 Work 1, caravan storage and woodwork building near gate one,
354 Work 2, caravan storage near gate three,
355 Bowls, viewed from the Clubhouse,
356 Tennis, viewed from the Clubhouse,
357 Information updated by the village co-ordinator.

Gymnasium & pool instructions

Please ensure you comply with these directions for use of Gymnasium and the Pool provided by the "operator".

Alterations and additions

The following directive was issued on 20 February 2020 regarding alterations within Units.

"Could all residents please ensure you complete an Alterations and Additions request form, available from the library, and that permission has been granted prior to undertaking the alteration or addition.
The "operator" has rules to follow which protect the village and ensure the "operator" maintains a uniform look in the village and rules are also in place to ensure the "operator" minimises costs to you in the refurbishment process.

For example if you are installing a hose reel the "operator" asks that it be fixed into the mortar not the bricks which would be more costly to repair.

The "operator's" also have rules on awning installation and colour selection.
The colour selection and product colour codes are available to view at Reception.
Once your order is placed it can be impossible to change an incorrect colour as production may have already started, The resident may be asked to remove the blind if the colour is not appropriate."

Government Information

Retirement Villages (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2024).

The Parliament of South Australia has passed the "Retirement Villages Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2024", with proclamation yet to set a start date. The South Australian Government has released through the Department for Human Services a brief table of changes for information.
In addition to the above table the Depatment for Human Services has released anInformation Sheetdetailing how the new Act will affect present and future residents of Retirement Villages.
The amendment Bill as put before parliament, Retirement Miscellaneous Amendment Bill 2024.

Retirement Villages Act.

Read hereRetirement Villages Act 2016, Version 1.10.2019.

Retirement Villages Regulations.

Read hereRetirement Villages Regulations 2017, Version 1.1.2018.

Best practices for committees.

The Office of Ageing Well has issuedBest Practice for Retirement Village Residents' Committees,as a guide to committees.
The information in this guide relates to the Retirement Villages Act 2016 and the Retirement Villages Regulations 2017, Version 1.1.2018.

Information for residents and prospective residents

The Retirement Villages Unit has issued information for residents and prospective residents to assist prospective residents when selecting a retirement village. Present residents may find some of the information useful in their day to day interaction with the operator of the village.
The information in this booklet relates to the Retirement Villages Act 2016 and the Retirement Villages Regulations 2017, Version 1.1.2018.

Little Black Book of Scams.

Every year, scams cost Australians, businesses and the economy hundreds of millions of dollars and cause emotional harm to victims and their families. The best way to protect yourself is through awareness and education. This new edition of the"Little Black Book of Scams"is brought to you by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), the national consumer protection agency.

"The Little Black Book of Scams is recognised internationally as an important tool for consumers and small businesses to learn about scams including:
  the most common scams to watch out for
  the different ways scammers can contact you
  the tools scammers use to trick you
 the warning signs
 how to protect yourself, and
 where you can find help."

Gardens in the Village

Native Plants suitable for the Tea Tree Gully area

The Tea Tree Gully Council has prepared a list of local native plants that they plant in local reserves. The plants selected by Council includes large trees and shrubs that are not particularly suitable for a retirement village. These have been removed as entirely unsuitable for planting in gardens. Those gardens in the common area will over time require rejuvination as all plants age, become either too big or pose problems for residents or facilities. The list of plants included here ranges from large shrubs, Small shrubs, Grasses and Sedges and some Ground covers and climbers. All are from this area and are useful habitat for birds, insects and lizards found in this area. Check out this list of plants suitable for the Tea Tree Gully area that was compiled by the City of Tea Tree Gully for residents to use a guide to garden plants.

Monadenia weed check

Discovery of the invasive South African pest weed Monadenia has been found in some gardens. It is suspected that the pest was introduced in the bark mulch used on gardens in the village. Please check to see that you don't have the Disa bracteata "Monadenia" weed in your garden. Read this Monadenia fact sheet provided by the South Australian Government that provides details and removal advise. The fact sheet provides photos of the weed with its flower stalk and bulbs for identification purposes. If you see the weed and are unable to remove it then please alert the the village coordinator.

Gazania weed check

This weed for overseas is very invasive in South Australia and appears in the gardens wihin the village. Its introduction has not been ascertained but in earlier years may have been introduced here by residents from previous gardens. This weed has been declared a pest weed in South Australia due to its invasion of agricultural croping areas and native bush woodlands. Please check to see that you don't have the "Gazania" weed in your garden. Read this Gazania fact sheet compiled from information provided by the South Australian Government that provides details and removal advise. The fact sheet provides photos of the weed with its daisy like flowers and leaves for identification purposes. If you see the weed and are unable to remove it then please alert the the village coordinator.