This is the South Australian Retirement Villages Residents Association Inc. It is the voice for all retirement village residents in South Australia. There support comes from member residents of the various retirement villages throughout South Australia. The Association undertakes to represent residents within government and industry, provide information and advice, support in mediation, guest speakers, visits to retirement villages and lobby for policy changes within government.
Being a resident in this village means you are a member of SARVRA, as your membership is paid by your committee.
This is what they do
♦ Represent you within Government and Industry for policy changes that impact your lifestyle.
♦ Provide information and advice on how these policy changes may affect you.
♦ Support and mediate conflict resolution in retirement village communities.
♦ Provide guest speakers at industry forums relevant to retirement villages.
♦ Regularly visit retirement villages to update residents on changes that affect all of us.
♦ Lobby for policy changes that enhance your lifestyle in your retirement village.
SARVRA membership
SARVA finds its membership from the residents of retirement villages, acting as a voice to government in matters affecting residents.
A section of the SARVRA constitution relating to membership is set out here for your information:--
4.1 Membership is available to any person who is a permanent resident of a retirement village and who accepts the objects and rules of the Association.
4.2 Where two persons occupy the same residence on a permanent basis, one membership subscription is payable for that residence, and both persons shall be members."
4.3 Annual subscriptions shall be due and payable following the Annual General Meeting.
4.4 The membership year shall be from 1st September to 31st August.
4.5 Membership subscriptions which are due to expire on 30th November shall be deemed to continue until 31st August."
For the convenience of residents, the Golden Grove Residents' Committee has undertaken to pay the annual subscription fee, at present set at $10 for each residence in this village.
This decision is in continuance of the decision by the Residents' Association Committee Meeting held on the 26th September 2016 which recorded,
In view of correspondence received and the legal opinon / advice from SARVRA's lawyers the following motion was put forward: The proposed resolution / motion - That the Association pay the annual SARVRA membership fee for and on behalf of every member of the Association until such time as the Association resolves to cease making such payments, and subject always to the right of a member of the Association to advise the Association that he or she does not wish to be a member of SARVRA. Moved and carried."