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TTG Bin Collections
The collection of Rubbish, Recyling and Green waste is collected every Thursday.
Put your bins out on the Wednesday night or you may be able to put then out on Thursday morning about 6.00am if you are doing it before breakfast time.
The Tea Tree Gully council have provided you with a 120 litre green bin, together with a Mini Muncher that takes a compostable bag to put kitchen organic waste into.
When the compostable bag is full, remove it and place in your green bin. Here is Information on theMini Muncheruse, and aquick guideon the things you can and cannot put in it. Run out of Mini Muncher bags? No worries, pick up some more from the Tea Tree Gully Council who have replacement bags in their foyer area for residents to restock on.
The collection schedule for Golden Grove is :--
Rubbish bin - RED top - every Thursday for these items.
♦  Single-use nappies
♦  Single-use coffee cups
♦  Rags and old clothing
♦  Ceramic and glass kitchenware
♦  Foam and polystyrene cups, trays and packaging
♦  Kitty litter crystals
♦  Video tapes.
Recycling bin - YELLOW top - every other Thursday for these items.
♦  Paper, newspapers and magazines
♦  Cardboard boxes (flattened), rolls and cartons
♦  Juice and milk cartons (rinsed and flattened)
♦  Glass botttes and jars (rinsed and tids off)
♦  Plastic bottles and containers (rinsed and tids off)
♦  Aluminium and steel cans (rinsed) and empty aerosol cans
♦  Foil trays and wrapping (rinsed and scrunched into a ball)
♦  Metal pots and pans
♦  Plastic toys (batteries removed).
Green bin - GREEN top - alternate Thursday with the Recycling bin for these items.
♦  Fruit and vegetable scraps
♦  Meat and seafood scraps and bones
♦  Dairy items
♦  Tea bags and coffee grounds
♦  Pizza boxes, cardboard burger boxes and greasy paper bags
♦  Shredded paper and cardboard
♦  Nail clippings and hair
♦  Lawn clippings, leaves and weeds
♦  Pet poo (loose or in a compostable bag).
Check with your neighbour if you are not sure of the Yellow or Green bin day. If you are friendly you may even find your bin taken in for you to assist. Still in doubt well here is the bin collection dates as issued by the Tea Tree Gully Council.
Placement of bin and kerb
Bins should be 50cm apart with wheels facing away from the kerb. They should also be at least one metre from obstacles such as parked cars, trees and electricity poles. Line bins up in the same bin- type, for example all recycling bins next to each other. This will make it easier for the truck to collect. Bins must be less than 50kg to be emptied.
Hard rubbish collections
Just a reminder for residents, the large skip bin that is about the village for commercial waste is not for use by residents.
If you have any hard rubbish you need removed please call the Tea Tree Gully Council, on 8295 5077, who provide each residence with two free pick-ups a year.
When you do it, dont forget to let you neighbour know as they may have something to put out as well.
Try our recycling Bin Quizhere.
The bus service from stop 78a outside the front gate of the village will take you to interchanges at the Grove Shopping Centre, Tea Tree Plaza, Grenfell / Currie Street, Adelaide Airport, Harbour Town and Glenelg depending on the bus you catch. For timetables use this link Adelaide Metrothen click on the timetables tab. To assist you, the busses that service this area are J1, J2, and 548, 591a, 591c. The timetables are changed, adjusted and updated periodically so obtaining the latest one from Adelaide Metro is advisable. South Australian Seniors Card members are entitled to free travel at all times.
TTG Community bus
The City of Tea Tree Gully provides a community bus service for residents of all ages who have difficulty using public transport or do not have access to a private vehicle.
To access this low-cost transport service contact the Active Ageing team on 83977444 or make an online enquiry.
Registration is essential.
The Tea Tree Gully Council through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme for eligible residents provides a door to door shopping service and Shopping centre drop-off and pickup at "Tea Tree Plaza" and "The Grove" at Golden Grove. For further information regarding this service call 8397 7444.
Visiting Professional Services
There are a number of Professionals attending the village during each month. These include a Physiotherapist, a Hair Dresser, and a Nail Specialist. In addition to these a trainer atttends to take classes in Aqua Aerobics while another takes Fitness classes, Check the list and see if there is someone that could enhance your time at our village.
The podiatrist from Feet First Podiatry attends once a month on first Tuesday in the professional rooms at 9.00am. To book your appointment phone 8251 5766. See the monthly planner in case of any changes.
Jimmy An our Physiotherapist is available here every Thursday from 8am in the professional rooms. Please see the appointment book located in the library to book your next appointment.
Hair by Tila.
Our new hairdresser "Tila" attends here every Friday at 9.00am in the Professional room adjacent to the cards room in the Community Centre. To obtain an appointment at the salon, you are welcome to either phone Tila on 0469 748 792 or ring extension 954 or call into the salon on any Friday.
Regaining your Fitness
My local Physio Plus come to the village for pool and floor exercises tailored to the needs of residents.
New persons to the groups will first will need to be assessed by the instructor at their premises at Golden Grove to ensure they are up to it. The assessment will incurr a charge and there is a session fee payable to the instructor for each session attended at the village.
For information scan the QR code on the graphic above with your mobile phone camera, or touch this link to go to the
MyLocalPhysioPlus web site.
Aqua Aerobics
This class is held early in the pool at the Community Centre. The day and time for the class is,
♦Aqua Aerobics Class on Friday mornings start at 9.00am.
If you are interested in attending please contact My Local Physio Plus at Golden Grove on 7325 6600. A fee is payable to the Instructor on attendance. For up to date information see the Monthly Planner for any change to days and times.
Functional Fitness
This class to get you fit held by My Local Physio Plus, held in the Main Hall of the Community Centre on two days each week. A fee is payable to the Instructor on attendance.
The days and times for the fitness program are,
♦The Functional Fitness Gym Class on Wednesday mornings start at 10.15am
♦The Functional Fitness Exercise Class in the Main Hall on Friday mornings from 10.00am.
Rehabilitation Group
Attend these sessions by meeting in the swimming pool and spa to exercise and remain fit or recover from some medical intervention. The afternoons are:-
♦ Mondays afternoons at 2.00pm to 3.00pm,
♦ Wednesdays afternoons at 2.00pm to 3.00pm,
♦ Fridays afternoons at 2.00pm to 3.00pm,
Attend them all and recover your fitness so you can join our Line Dancing, Lawn Bowls, Indoor Bowls or Table Tennis groups.
Justice of the Peace
Require the services of a Justice of the Peace to witness a document then check the village numeric telephone listing provided by our village coordinator. You will see that Justices of the Peace are marked, so just ring the phone number and book a time for signing.
The Justice of the Peace you visit may require:-
♦ Photographic ID
♦ All relevant paperwork including all photo copies
♦ Advance Care Directives must be whole, including information sheets
Note some documents have particular requirements that the Justice of the Peace may decline to witness. These may include the following:-
♦ Wills
♦ Land Title Documents from Queensland (signing available at the Attorney Generals Dept in Grenfell Street, or Royal Association of Justices in Netley)
♦ Any document requiring a JP to retain copies for at least 7 years.
If you require the services of someone outside the village then contact the City of Tea Tree Gully Council on 08 8397 7444 to check the times when a Justice is in attendance and to make an appointment. Alternatively you can telephone the Royal Association of Justices of South Australia on 08 8297 4044 for information on where a Justice of the Peace will be available.