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There is a trailer for residents use in the building at Work 2, in the caravan storage near gate three. Please allow 48 hours notice on your request to borrow the trailer as an immediate request may result in disappointment. The person to contact in relation to its use is Jeff Roe, phone 788.
When Jeff goes on holidays there will be a notice in the Newsletter and on the Notice Board notifying his replacement for that time.
♦ The Trailer is for the use of residents only with the following EXCEPTION. Residents may use a family / friend's car to tow the trailer provided the resident is in attendance at all times and travels with the trailer.
♦ Priority will be given to the Association recyclers at all times.
♦ A booking out form must be completed,
♦ The resident's / family's / friend's driving licence must be presented.
♦ The trailer may only be booked between 9am - 5pm (Half day maximum).
♦ The trailer cannot be booked overnight.
♦ The trailer hitch and chains must be secure and lights working corrrectly before leaving the workshop.
♦ The resident will be responsible for any damage caused to the trailer and any traffic notice infringements issued.
♦ The Committee member or nominated resident together with the resident will inspect the trailer for damage before the attachment to the resident's vehicle and also on return of the trailer.
♦ The resident must return the trailer in a clean and tidy condition.
♦ Any resident using the trailer must agree to abide by the rules of trailer use.     Golden Grove Residents Association - May 2017
There is a wheelbarrow for residents use located within the building at each work area, "Work 1" near gate one and "Work 2" near gate three.
Note you will need your key-card to access the door on the side.
♦ The wheelbarrows are only for the use of residents.
♦ Please enter your details in the IN and OUT book located near the door. Remember to book your useage out when you return the Wheelbarrow.
♦ Before you take the wheelbarrow out please check the tyre to ensure it is inflated to the right pressure.
♦ Any damage means the tyre or tube will need replacement before the next person is able make use of the wheelbarrow.
♦ Be considerate of others and return in a clean condition as soon as possible after use. Thank you.
There is a ladder for residents use located within the building at "Work 2" near gate three.
Note you will need your key-card to access the door on the side. Book the ladder OUT when you borrow it and IN when you return it so other residents will have acces to use it.
The village makes some money from recycling the bottles, cans and other deposit drink containers generated by the bars.
Funds generated in this way are returned to the residents through support of activities held within the village. You are encouraged to place any deposit drink containers into the recepticals provided by the committee.
These are located within the building at the Caravan storage area near Gate 3, "Work I". Note you will need your key-card to access the door on the side.
Only place those items that attract a deposit return as any other recycling items will require separation and removal by resident volunteers.
Please do not leave any deposit drink containers at the rear of the Community Centre Kitchen.